When starting a business, there are many areas to take into consideration. You’ll need to find a physical location, order business cards, and start to spruce up the space where you’ll be putting in all your hard work, each day. There are a few things businesses can do to ensure that they have customers coming through their doors. While part of it is excellent online marketing, the other half has to do with making a statement. When those passing by see your store or your commercial building, you’ll want them to see your signage, loud and clear. At AdGraphics, we’ve helped hundreds of business owners in South Florida create their signage. One of the top signage options we promote is lighted letter signs. There are many advantages to using these types of signs. Keep reading to learn more!
Night-Time Marketing with Lighted Letter Signs
Perhaps the biggest benefit of using lighted letter signs is the ability to market 24/7. When your sign lights up, even those driving by in the evening will see your store. Whether you are open 24/7 and are looking for a way to say “welcome” 24 hours out of the day, or if you’re just looking for affordable 24-hour advertising, lighted letter signs are the way to go!
Beautiful Ambiance
A gorgeous, customized glowing sign can make your business stand out from the crowd because of the many that go into creating the perfect lighted letter sign. For example, you can choose the colors for your sign, the individual size of the lettering, and the overall font. All of these factors combined truly capture the attention of potential customers while putting you on their radar and staying true to your brand image.
If a business has lighted letter signs, people automatically think that their work must be professional. It’s not a simple banner or plain text. Instead, it’s a statement that says you’re serious. A lighted letter sign isn’t cheap, and customers subconsciously know this. Let your clients know that you mean business, and you’re not skipping any steps along the way.
Just by choosing the font, color, and size of your sign, you’re sending a message. If your color scheme for your business is blue, you can also use blue lettering. Alternatively, fonts tell different stories. Comic Sans, for example, is fun. Times New Roman is traditional. Again, this is a language that people subconsciously understand. Tell passing customers a bit about your business, before they ever step foot through your doors. What do you want them to know?
If you’re looking for a company to help you fabricate your lighted letter signs, you’re in the right place. At AdGraphics, we’re professionals at what we do, with many years in the business. We use only the best materials and products. Our goal is to provide signs that are long-lasting and durable against South Florida’s various weather patterns. Contact our team today at 1-800-645-5740.